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Our concessionnarie's holders
DE GRAVE - ANTVERPIA DE GRAVE - ANTVERPIA plays a key role in the river transport industry in Belgium. 10 million tonnes of goods - mostly dry and bulk goods – are carried on Western European waterways every year. They are transported not only on behalf of national industries but also in reaction to the high level of demands from cross-border customers. River container transport has become more and more prominent in our range of services in recent years. Under this heading, we have a multipurpose fleet of roughly 250,000 tonnes (own fleet, charted boats on the basis of a contract for multiple trips or a long-term leasing contract). River transport activities: – forwarding and storage agent, tonnage contracts – voyage charters – customers clearance – goods insurance – multimodal transport (inland transport) In Liège our activities are primarily focused on : A. Miscellaneous goods and/or bulk – Voyage, stay or time charters; – shipping agency – measurer accredited with the commercial court for inland and sea-going vessels – legal expert on nautical matters, attached to the Liège Commercial Court – all other logistical services B. Traffic in powder form Transport of cement and other goods in powder form – via self-unloading tankers – own or chartered vessels – all technical and vessel operation surveys Contact information De Grave-Antverpia nv/sa Boulevard Zénobe Gramme 33, 4040 Herstal Tel: +32 4 256 50 50 Fax: +32 4 240 06 23 Contact person: Xavier JACQUES De Grave-Antverpia nv/sa Schomhoeveweg 15, 2030 Antwerp Tel: +32 3 213 43 43 Fax : +32 3 213 43 00 E-mail : dga@degrave-antverpia.be Contact person in Antwerp : Louis Van Ballaer