A place for dialogue

A genuine forum for listening, dialogue and transparency, this Support Committee enables local residents, the various regional administrations (Service public de Wallonie and Port autonome de Liege), municipal authorities and companies to engage in dialogue effectively and transparently.

Thus, this support committee, whose function is to provide the most comprehensive information, aims to further encourage constructive exchanges between the various parties involved.

The Liege Port Authority aims to be a citizen port.

Through the management of this Accompanying Committee, it is concretely demonstrating its desire to communicate transparently in order to keep you informed about Liege Trilogiport.

For your complete information, the minutes of these committees can be accessed below.

Port of Liège Support Committee

The committee is made up of six groups:

  • 1. Authorities Representatives:
    • a. Representatives of the Colleges communaux d'Oupeye et de Visé
    • b. Representative of the Service public de Wallonie :
      • i. Operational Directorate-General for Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment, Nature and Forest Department of Permits and Authorisations, Walloon Public Service;
      • ii. Direction générale Opérationnelle de l'Agriculture, des Ressources naturelles et de l'Environnement, Département des Permis et Autorisations, Service public de Wallonie ;
      • iii. Direction Générale Opérationnelle de l'Aménagement du territoire, Logement, Patrimoine, Energie, Service public de Wallonie;
  • 2. Representatives of the Port autonome de Liege:
  • 3. Representatives of the Service public de Wallonie, Direction des Voies Hydrauliques (DG02)
  • 4. Representative of the successful contractor
  • 5. Representatives of the concessionary companies
  • 6. Representatives of the local population (Oupeye and Visé)
Port of Liège
About us

Discover the Port of Liege and its many assets

Map of the Port of Liège
Interactive map

Our 33 mapped port areas

Port of Liège
Liege Trilogiport

The trimodal project at the Liege Port Authority

Trilogiport Liège
Setting up at Trilogiport

Logistics zones at Liege Trilogiport