Belgium's 1st inland port

As Belgium's leading inland port and Europe's third-largest inland port, the Liege Port Authority is a genuine multimodal transport hub Ideally located at the heart of a dense multimodal communications network, the Port of Liege is internationally recognised for the quality of its infrastructure.

The Liege Port Authority manages 33 port areas (382 hectares) made available to waterway and/or rail users. Thanks to its Yacht Port, it also offers yachtsmen a unique welcome in the heart of the city of Liege.

With nearly 16 million tonnes (water-rail-road), it is home to more than a hundred concession companies representing,

according to the National Bank of Belgium, almost 18,000 indirect jobs.

The Port of Liege remains an important lever of socio-economic development for the Region. Thanks to its various projects, the Liege Port Authority is a major player in the economic redeployment of the Liege region. Liege is a port that is home to hundreds of companies of all sizes and types.

Constant collaboration between the private and public sectors has made the Liege Port Authority a high-performance facility, delivering added value in the service of new ideas.

Port of Liège

Key figures

Discover the key figures for the Port Autonome de Liege, demonstrating its strategic role and performance at the heart of trade and industry.


3rd largest inland port in Europe


16 million tonnes
in transit each year


33 port areas along the Meuse and the Albert Canal

382 ha

land available to waterway users


Liege Trilogiport generates 2,000 direct and indirect jobs

26 km

The Liege Port Authority manages 26 km of quays and 382 ha of port land.

Port of Liège

A port of call for hundreds of businesses

Liege is a port that is home to hundreds of companies of all sizes and types.

Constant collaboration between the private and public sectors has made the Liege Port Authority a high-performance tool, providing added value in the service of new ideas.

A public establishment created by the law of 21 June 1937, amended by the law of 10 January 1969 and by the programme decree of 18 December 2003, the Port autonome de Liege, which manages 32 ports spread along the Meuse and the Albert Canal, has the following essential missions:.

  • the execution of all infrastructure extension and improvement works necessary for the economic development of its land;
  • the granting of concessions and authorisations to companies;
  • the regulation of the movement and parking of vessels in public ports;
  • the maintenance, at its exclusive expense, of all Port works....
Trilogiport Liège

On the international scene

The Liege Port Authority is constantly carrying out innovative projects to promote the creation of new jobs and mobility, while respecting the environment and local residents. The Port of Liege's flagship projects are designed to accommodate Europe's largest distribution centres and are supported by strong local, national and international partnerships, particularly with other seaports and inland ports.

The Liege Port Authority has an international dimension thanks to various agreements and partnerships signed (Port of Antwerp-Bruges, Port of Rotterdam, Awex, Infrabel, SPI...).

The Liege Port Authority is also a member of the following various international associations:

Monsin Island Port of Liège

Reporting an irregularity

A European Directive 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 required Member States to adopt minimum rules for the protection of whistleblowers.

The Walloon Government Decree of 13 October 2022 thus provides for the right of any member of staff of the Liege Port Authority or any person with a professional connection to the Port Authority (concession holders or pleasure boat owners, for example) to report any irregularity that may have occurred within the Liege Port Authority by contacting the Integrity Officer of the Walloon Public Service in a confidential and secure manner. People who report irregularities or internal fraud are protected against reprisals in their capacity as whistleblowers.

The Walloon Public Service has issued a communication plan on the new role of integrity officer, the procedure for reporting an internal irregularity and the protection afforded to whistleblowers.

If you wish to report an internal irregularity at the Liege Port Authority, please visit the SPW website to follow the procedure explained there:

Map of the Port of Liège
Geographical location

The Liege Port Authority and its exceptional location

Port of Liège

A multimodal strategy via a river, rail and road network

Map of the Port of Liège
Interactive map

Our 33 mapped port areas


Environmental management at the Liege Port Authority